Getting started

2 min readJan 20, 2022
Banner glitching

Hello fellow humans,

My name is Oussama Hamdaoui I’m the developer and creator of a decentralized marketplace for real goods. The cryptosphere is booming and everyone is getting some cryptocoins wishing that they might become the new cryptomilionairs. As I was navigating the vast space of repositories on github I came across an SDK (Software Development Kit) called the Cosmos SDK, developed with Go and advertised as the starting block for any blockchain. Curious about this discovery I slowly started dipping my toes into the community, reading the posts on reddit following the posts on twitter, until I decided to throw in some money, at that time ATOM was relatively cheap $19 so I grabbed some. As time went by I got some juicy rewards, new projects started popping in the ecosystem, and my bag of ATOM kept getting bigger and bigger. I became more and more interested by the blockchain technologies I started playing around with Solidity (the Ethereum smart contract language), I wrote my first smart contract for a NFT marketplace called The NFT Vending Machine,, everything was working well until I wanted to deploy the contract to the blockchain and realized the transaction fees that it required. Fortunately the cosmos ecosystem came to rescue, I remembered that there was a team working on a ethereum virtual machine on cosmos (Evmos). The experience with Evmos was the tipping point for me I realized how much better is the cosmos ecosystem for the developers, from that point I decided to completely scrap all the solidity stuff and move to the SDK. Meanwhile my gains with ATOM kept going up and my crypto investment got to 80% in cosmos (ATOM, Luna, Osmosis, Sifchain, Secret you name it). Everytime I wanted to take profit and buy myself the latest geek gadget I had to send my tokens over a centralized exchange to get fiat then to buy something. That’s when started thinking about the benefits of a decentralized marketplace, and the benefits it can bring to the ecosystem. After long days of coding, debugging and fiddling around with the SDK and searching through the repositories of all the blockchains of cosmos I finally got all the pieces of the puzzle. That’s how cryptozone was born.

Here are the next steps:

  • Make the snapshot for the airdrop 📸
  • Distribute the airdrop 🎉
  • Contact DEXs (Sifchain and Osmosis) to create the pools ⚡️
  • Engage with the community 💪




Cryptozone is a cosmos blockchain aiming at creating a decentralized market for goods that will connect crypto owners with high quality verified suppliers.